My 15 Year Journey

It was a lonely path transitioning from a victim to a healer. Life wasn’t kind and I was stuck at rock bottom for a long time. I met with therapists, psychologists, doctors and tried multiple medications, but the mental emotional hurt remained unresolved and my body rejected the medications due to severe side effects. 

I was in limbo with no where to turn for help; comfort from friends and peace from nature gave me strength to hold on. I turned to faith and attended Vipassana Meditation, a 10 day course of noble silence meditating 10 hours a day. It was my first exposure to meditation rendering extreme difficulty. There was nothing to do except to turn inward and self-examine; the experience was life changing. I continue to attend this 10 day course multiple times to give my mind a break.


“Whatever we experience: pleasant or unpleasant is unimportant. The important point is not to react with craving and aversion, the progress is our developed equanimity.”

Learning to “accept life as it is for what it is” render profound meaning to my new beginning. A spiritual journey inward revealing Devine experiences, wisdom and guidance giving me faith and devotion to move forward. I began to expand the Vipassana observation concept towards my daily life: brushing teeth, shower, house chores, cooking, walking, yoga, Zumba, emotions, relationships, and more; learning to observe life happenings with a neutral mind. From this experimental application, I started to understand the connection between the thoughts, emotions and body sensations. This awareness helped me overcome many challenges and ailments. I discovered profound ways to heal that I thought I invented the practice. Little did I know that this ancient knowledge is already within us and it’s now revolutionized to carry the buzz words “Mindfulness” and “Subconscious Healing”.


“Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of life.”

We’ve already possessed the power and wisdom to heal ourselves should we chose to inquire and become more self-aware; learning to quiet the mind long enough to listen to understand. It took PTSD, chronic pain, stress, anxiety, and severe side effects to medications for me to discover a natural way to heal. Out of curiosity to examine the “SELF”, I was able to see the light and shadow of my own being to transcend to this peaceful place. Surrendering to universal laws gave me clarity to understand that we’re here to learn from each other and to elevate one another to grow as a whole. I left the corporate world minimizing my life, devoting to the practice, obtaining knowledge, and transitioning to serve the community. Life finally gave me a way to share these direct experiences & spread the forgotten knowledge.


“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become. You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

“My Better Me” is a story sharing my life journey to help you discover your own power and wisdom. It’s an alternative healing practice to support you to work through your obstacles and life’s challenges. It’s my passion to encourage people to tap into their own ability to heal and be a better version of themselves. My Better Me is a service bridging your faith with science using simple tools to help you access your own knowledge to rewrite your story and live a quality life.


“Peace comes from within; do not seek it without. Work out your own salvation; do not depend on others.”